Thursday, 19 September 2013


Group Mentoring For Dynamic Results

One of the problems with working as a freelancer or sole trader is that you often have no one to bounce ideas around with or fully support you when you hit rough waters. Turning to our nearest and dearest, especially with a problem, may not be the best option.  Whilst it is important not to shut them out, they are usually too close to us or the issues and quite often fearful because they love us. See the dilemma?

So where can you get the support and help you need when you work alone?

Action Learning Groups

One way is to find or develop an Action Learning Group. These are also known as Peer Mentoring Groups. They are groups of two to six people who meet once or twice a month to support each other in a structured way.  They are facilitated, reflective sessions with the main aim of developing skills, competence, confidence and your business. The facilitator is usually a person with experience and skills that will aid the learning process.


Each person comes to the meeting, which lasts usually an hour or two at the very most, with an issue they want help with.  Sometimes individual group members may not have an issue and just be there to support the others. This is perfectly acceptable. The meeting is then facilitated in the following way:


·         One member of the group starts by quickly explaining the issue
          they want help with. The importance here is to be as succinct as

·         Each person in the group then says what they would do in the
          same situation (from experience or just gives their ideas).

·         To clarify an issue they may ask one or two questions before
           expressing their thoughts.

·         Each person in the group has their say or abstains if they have
          nothing they feel they can add. This is quite acceptable in an
          Action Learning Group.  


·         The person who ‘owns’ the issue listens and takes notes.

·         The facilitator makes sure that no discussions arise (very
          important if you are to keep the meeting short, sharp and
          focused) and that one person puts their ideas forward at a time.

·         When  everyone in the group has had their say the facilitator may
          add in thoughts and ideas from their experience

·         Finally, the person who ‘owns’ the issue states up to 3 actions
          they will commit to undertake. These can be from what they have
          heard in the group or ideas they have had whilst listening.

·         Each person in the group is given the opportunity to share their
          issue and so the above process is repeated.

·         At the start of the next Action Learning Group each member very
          quickly feeds back the action they took following the last session
          and how it has worked. This is great for holding you accountable
          for taking action and moving yourself and your business forward

 So how do you find an Action Learning Group?

You can choose a group of people you know and invite them to join you or join a facilitated group such as the one I am shortly starting at The Business Loft in Newport, South Wales (contact me or watch out on Linked In if you want more details). Look for a good facilitator with knowledge and expertise in the field you want the Action Learning to focus on e.g. business, marketing, leadership etc. Or run the group yourself if there is enough experience in the group.

Have a go and let me know how it works or what  experience you have of being part of an Action Learning Group.

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