Sunday, 1 September 2013


Everyone is looking for success in business otherwise why start one? However there is one major thing that holds people back from success and fulfilling their potential in life – FEAR!

I have a dear friend who is so paralysed by fear, in many areas of her life, that she sabotages her success and her happiness. Her fear of failure, the unknown and making the wrong decision are all contributing factors to her lack of action. By not taking action, talking to people, finding out as much information as she can to explore her options she makes decisions without fully thinking them through or planning. Most of the time by not taking action she leaves things until the last minute, has no time to fully explore the issues and then makes snap decisions which cause her endless problems.

When fear is at a high enough level it….

·         Stops us thinking, problem solving and seeing all the options.

·         Stops us from seeing and taking advantage of opportunities.

·         Stops us from listening to and having faith in our intuition

·         Stops us from taking action as we get stuck in our thinking

·         Stops us from moving forward and realising our potential

So what fears hold you back? We all have them to one extent or another. Knowing what they are and when they raise their ugly heads is important to anyone in business. By identifying them you have the choice to take actions to overcome them. It is inaction that reduces our success factors.

So here is a 7 Step Plan for Fear Busting Success for mastering your fears:

1.      Identify what your major fears are and what triggers them.

2.      Determine what actions you need to undertake to avoid the paralysing effect of fear.

3.      Make sure that your fear does not allow you to stop listening and evaluating.

4.      Take small steps of action and watch for the results.

5.      Take careful note of the results of your actions they tell you if you are on track.

6.      Don’t be afraid to seek advice then evaluate it for yourself before taking action.

7.      Accept that to fail is to learn and to learn is to grow and to grow is to succeed.

Have a great ‘Fear Busting’ time and let me know how you have triumphed over your fears.


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