None of us can get away from the fact that our social and business worlds are changing at an incredible rate. Social Media is impacting on all of us whether we are aware of it or not. It is so easy to fall into the Social Media Mistakes Trap. In my opinion it is going through its ‘Marmite phase’ – you either love using it or you hate it!
If you are in business and ignoring the need to get social and join one of the many platforms e.g. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn you will be losing business because of your non-engagement. There is no getting away from it Social Media is now a vital part of the marketing mix. Ignore it at your peril!
Whether it is personal use of Social Media or business that are many traps to fall into and mistakes to be made. Why is this? Because most people learn how to use Social Media by ‘Sitting with Nellie’ (learning from how others do it). This can be a risky strategy as you can pick up other people’s bad habits and make loads of social media mistakes. On a personal level that may not be a problem but for businesses it can be a major problem.
So here are the top 5 Social Media Mistakes that I have noticed and some tips to overcome them….
- AVOIDING HAVING TO USE SOCIAL MEDIAThis is extremely common social media mistake in the start-up and small business market as Social Media is time consuming and yet another skill to learn. The problem is that your competitors, large and small are already ahead of the game and you will be losing business to them. 80% of people now have mobile technology and a high percentage of these use it to find the products and services they need instantly. People want information immediately and are using social media to get it.
Top Tip – start small with one Social Media Platform and learn how to use that well.
- NOT REALISING SOCIAL MEDIA MISTAKES SPREAD NEGATIVE MESSAGES, FROM DISSATISFIED CUSTOMERS, LIKE WILD FIRE!I had a problem with a cleaning company who ignored my emails of complaint for 2 weeks! Big social media mistake! As I had found them on Twitter I used the platform to voice my complaint only to have them ‘throw a wobbly’ online where everyone could read it.
Top Tip – The customer is really king online as such a public arena can damage your reputation immediately so follow these golden rules:- Never ignore it as it will escalate as many people love a good moan!
- Welcome the complaint and show how you are going to solve the problem for them.
- Never get defensive, aggressive or tell lies in your communications because everyone can read it.
- Take the conversation offline by communicating privately with them.
- Publicise online how you have solved the customer’s problem and where possible get them to say how happy they are with the outcome.
- NOT CAREFULLY CHOOSING THE RIGHT SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS TO USE FOR YOUR BUSINESS.Consider if you’re in the B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (Business to Business market). This is important as you do not want to waste time and money ‘fishing in the wrong pond’ for customers.
Top Tips – Facebook is a very good B2C platform where LinkedIn is best for B2B. If you have a highly visual business then consider Pinterest or Instagram. Use Twitter to engage with people, grow a following and drive traffic to your website. - USING SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE SAME WAY AS ANY OTHER MARKETING TOOL, TO PUSH YOUR SALES MESSAGES OUT THERE.This is a huge social media mistake made by businesses, large and small. This is a very different marketing medium. It is a social medium for building relationships. Ask yourself this question, “Would you go to a networking event and stand there talking to complete strangers only about you, without listening to them or creating a two way communication?” No! Then consider that you are being seen and listened to by countless numbers of people globally.
Top Tips – Create a dialogue with those who contact you foe help and advice and those who interest you. Develop new relationships with them and after some time, wherever possible, take the relationship offline by arranging to meet up with them. It is amazing who you meet and how it can help your business blossom. - AVOIDING USING TWITTER BECAUSE IT’S LIKE AN ALIEN LANGUAGE!I know just where you are coming from if this is what you are doing. I hated Twitter with a passion! I could not get my head round it or see its use. Yet done properly, it is one of the most useful marketing tools for driving traffic to your website. Of course you then have to ensure that your website leads the user to either buy or take action by making sure you have your ‘Calls to Action’ on it and that it is responsive – works perfectly on mobile technology.
Top Tips – Make sure your website is responsive and has a number of ‘Calls to Action’ on it so that it helps grow your business. Read the book The Tao of Twitter by Mark Schaefer. It changed my life and my perspective on Twitter.
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WEBBER Has been 'Powering Business Potential' for over 26 years. She is a
trainer, coach, public speaker, social media and blogging enthusiast. An
entrepreneur for 30 years she has started and run 4 businesses. The first one
failed after 7 years and taught her to be positive about learning from failure.
The second is still going after 26 years! The third was set up to promote her
book 'Weight
Loss, Life Gain' and the fourth Chrissie Designs Jewellery was set up to promote
her hobby of designing and making wire work and bridal jewellery. She lives in
South Wales,UK near to her family and grandchildren.
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