Sunday, 11 August 2013



This week I am really lucky to be undertaking one of the most enjoyable tasks ever created – I am on ‘Nannie Duty’ looking after my four and a half year old granddaughter, Megan! As I watch, listen and play with her I realise how much we can learn about business management from these bundles of joy.

However, all too often, as we grow, we lose some of our childish ways. Many of the things we lose or forget are extremely valuable to us in business. Just watching her I identified a few of them and thought I would share some with you…….

Be Inquisitive

Firstly she is inquisitive about everything. Nothing is ever a problem.  As adults it is all too easy for us to see a business issue or difficulty in a negative way. We see the obstacles, battles or problems through filters that is tainted by our past negative life experiences. Young children do not have these filters, so what can we learn from them? Take off the negative filter and see the problem or issue with inquisitive eyes and a positive mind. Turn the problem into an opportunity to get inquisitive and find the positive outcome or learning in it.

Ask More Questions

Constant questions flow from Megan as she explores new things and new ideas. They can be the dumbest of questions but because she is a child and is learning, we think nothing of it. In fact we expect the silliest of questions from children, don’t we? The more we ask the more we learn. So how about giving yourself permission to always ask loads of questions even the dumb ones? Most of the time someone else is thinking about the same silly question but does not have the confidence to ask. Start to ask more questions and stop worrying whether others may think they are silly or dumb.

Get More Creative

My gorgeous little girl has the most wonderfully creative mind. Ever since she was first talking she has been making up words when she had no idea what to call something. Some are so creatively descriptive that they have become ‘family words’. My favourite describes the dust we see in the air through a shaft of sunlight, she calls it fuzzerings!

Sometimes we can get so bogged down in the mechanics of running a business and the stress that can come with it we forget to be creative. It is stress that reduce our ability to let our creative side out. Want to learn something really weird? Getting in touch with and letting our creative side out actually reduces stress! So get creative every day.


Share with Others More

OK, I accept this is something that children have to learn early on in their development. My little lady, like all children, has had her moments where she dug her heals in and refused to share. Mostly though she loves to share, especially with her cousin Evelyn who is two and a half years younger than her. As I watch Megan I can see in her face how much pleasure she gets out of sharing. It builds a strong bond and harmonious relationship between them.

Sharing of your time, thoughts and idea, giving support, collaborating with others in business can all too easily be dismissed because of lack of time or fear of them running with your ideas. Yet there is far more to be gained by giving of yourself and your time – increased knowledge, reduced risk, support and help in return, new friendships, new business contacts and even business growth through paid work. After all, lots of heads on an issue are far better than one. What you give out comes back to you in even more abundance so take the time to share yourself with others.


Spend some time watch children and see what else you can learn for your business. By clicking on the work ‘Comments’ at the bottom of the blog you can add your ideas or observations.

Share your thoughts and comments now!

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