Sunday, 17 November 2013

Start believing and stop doubting 

by Guest Blogger Sarah Flay

Today I’m giving you three for the price of one. We are looking at self confidence, self esteem and your limiting beliefs.

I’m going to share with you one of my biggest facts about business. YOU are the success in your business not the actual business. So if you are struggling to believe in your success we’ve kind of got a problem. So let’s take a look at these three areas and how to fix the problems.

Self confidence
“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.”
Arthur Ashe

Now let’s not confuse confidence with arrogance. Confidence doesn’t have to mean loud and proud either. All self confidence is, is knowing that YOU CAN DO IT. Some of the most confident people are actually not the ones shouting the loudest, they are the ones getting on with whatever they’ve set their minds to. Its that inner knowing that you’ll achieve what you set your mind to. If you don’t have the confidence to follow your dreams, then your dreams will sit out there somewhere in the big wide world untouched. Everyone has worries that they aren’t able to achieve their dreams but its about making a start and taking the first step towards something. It’s usually the first step that is the hardest to take. Usually confidence comes from achieving something so set yourself something small to achieve and every time you achieve your small goal set a bigger one. Keep going until you finally begin to have the inner confidence to go after the big dreams!

  Self esteem
“Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.”
Thomas Carlyle

In order to be successful at anything in life you need to feel worthy of that success. The biggest reason people fail is not because they’re no good or they lack the skills, more often than not people disqualify themselves because they don’t  feel good enough to succeed. Your self esteem is a vital component to your success. If you aren’t worthy of a good life, who is? What have you done that is so bad that disqualifies you from having good things happen to you?  Begin to break down your self esteem barrier by finding one small thing about yourself that makes you worthy. Are you kind? helpful? hardworking? There is plenty of good things inside of you all you have to do is start finding them.  

Limiting beliefs
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
Theodore Roosevelt

If you don’t believe in yourself who the heck is going to? No one in your life has the obligation to believe in you. The only person who should believe in you is YOU! It’s time that you stopped listening to others, and looking at the past and start thinking that you can do whatever you put your mind to.  I was told at 23 I’d never work again and ten years on I proved that person wrong by starting my own business and not just one of them. I started TEN!  Everything you can or cannot do is down to you! If you could do anything in life, what would you do? Now start doing it and leave the limitations behind!

Today you need to start believing in your business and you as the owner. Take ownership of your goals and watch that business turn around.

By Guest Blogger Sara Flay

Sarah’ business, New Perspective is all about taking a fresh viewpoint on an idea or a situation. She offers realistic ways to reach goals, find new clients and generally make the business come to life. She knows what it’s like to have no clients and an almost non-existent cash flow! The work she produces is focused, targeted and actionable from day one. Check out her website to find out more

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