Firstly, I have to say the whole thing has surprised me. Before this course I had always avoided anything to do with computers that I thought would be difficult and frustrating. After all I have two daughters with IT degrees and a really great guy building my new web site; so my philosophy was why do it myself if others more skilled could do it for me!
I have to admit that the past weeks have not been without their frustrations, especially getting to grips with Goggle+. But compared with what I have learnt and how versatile Google+ is, it has been more than worth it.
I have mastered and now really love using the circles to communicate with only those people I want to 'talk' to. The support and feedback from people in the group has been so very helpful and motivating. They have helped me through my frustrations with Google+ and Blackboard.The most fun I have had was in being able to develop a digital presentation in real time with my fellow group members. It was awesome!

I found the Google+ Blogger functionality far better because it has the capacity to automatically save work as you go along Its design function, in my opinion, is easier and has more scope than LiveJournal. It's layout is also easier to get to grips with. This of course may be because I had already used an older version of Blogger and was becoming more comfortable with Goggle+ formats. I especially like the new gadget functions available on Blogger. Being able, not only to personalise my blog but also make it more accessible and interactive with others has many positive advantages:
- Google+ Badge to get more recommendations for my site in Google & to search and grow my audience on Google+.
- Follow by Email - making it easy for readers to follow my blog by email.
- +1 Button - Allowing visitors to recommend my content on Google Search and share it on Google+.
So what else have I achieved? Well, having downloaded a whole realm of apps onto my iPhone. I am now utilising more of my phone's functionality as a tool for utilising social media in my daily life. The research I have undertaken, into my online clients use of Social Media, has also been most useful and has prompted my decision to, over the coming year:
- Write a blog for Chrissie Designs Jewellery (which I have already started)
- Develop several collections of my jewellery photos + other great photos on Pinterest
- Create a series of You Tube videos of my work and some 'How To' videos
- Sell my jewellery on Esty & Folksy creating links between my web site and their's
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